How do you do mods on gta 5
How do you do mods on gta 5

how do you do mods on gta 5 how do you do mods on gta 5

Redux is one of the most stunning graphical GTA V mods.

how do you do mods on gta 5

These are just a few graphical GTA V mods that you could use to make your game look better than any next-gen game could dream of looking. GTA V looks incredible, but given how old it is now, it could look better. Some mods might require additional tools, but you’ll be able to see if those are needed on each mod’s page. Other versions of the game will have a similar filepath. With the Steam version of the game, the filepath is: c:\program files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto V. This is done by downloading the mod files, and then copying them over to the main GTA V game folder. Installing modsįirst I want to touch on how to install mods in your game. That’s why I’ve put together this list of GTA V mods that will make your game feel like the best version on the PC platform. Obviously, with a PC you have the best version of GTA V running at all times, but this news got me thinking about what sort of improvements might be coming to these new versions of the game. Rockstar Games also teased that some new upgrades will be included with the next-gen versions content that isn’t possible on current-generation consoles. It was recently confirmed that Grand Theft Auto V is heading to PlayStation 5.

How do you do mods on gta 5